Tag: Dating

  • Do’s & Don’ts of online speed dating!

    Do you ever wonder why online speed dating hasn’t worked for you? Learn the Do’s & Don’ts of online speed dating right here. In most cases you have around 3 minutes to engage in conversation with the person on your zoom screen. My advice would be as follows and can be a great way to…

  • Manchester Fast Love Speed dating

    It is hard at the moment to actually date, but with thanks to Manchester – Fast Love Speed dating they have moved all there speed dating online, using Zoom. With the breakout rooms. This is a good experience, because you can date from the comfort of your own home and no-one will know you have…

  • Chester Online Speed Dating

    I heard about Chester online speed dating through a good friend, an amazing neighbour. As you know, I been pretty open about my relationship status and that I am single and in hope one day, I might meet someone, and that I am looking despite the IVF. I was chatting with my neighbour who has…